近畿大学農学総合研究所 | 論文
- Trichothecene-producing Fusarium Species:Systematics & Biodiversity
- Genetic Relatedness of Toxigenic Fusarium Species by DNA Sequence Analysis
- Biomarker of exposure to fumonisins and their use to evaluate the in vivo effectiveness of methods for commodities detoxification
- Determination of Mycotoxins in Foods and Beverages by Means of Immunoaffinity Columns and High-performance Liquid Chromatography
- Role of siderophore in biological control of Fusarium solani by Pseudomonas fluorescens GL20
- Molecular Biology of Plant Host-Pathogen Interaction--The Concept of Accessibility
- Circulated Culture System of Tobacco Hairy Roots for Rapid Evaluation of Viral Multiplication and Movement
- Past and Present Developments in the Study of Zearalenone
- Fusarium Headblight and Deoxynivalenol
- Pathogenicity and Ecology of Fusarium Species Associated with Wheat and Barley Scab in Japan
- ドラフト分級小麦粉の食品特性(その1)コムギ穀粒の各部位の食品成分の分布
- アフリカ産ノゲイトウ(Celosia argentea L.)葉中の配糖体
- 人工消化酵素処理米投与がラットの腸内細菌相におよぼす影響
- Synthesis of Arylsulfonyl Isocyanates and Sulfonylurea Type Herbicides via Catalytic Carbonylation of Sulfonamide Derivatives
- A Genetic Approach to Fumonisin Biosynthesis in Fusarium Proliferatum
- 中国における収穫ブドウから分離される病原菌とその発生状況
- 保鮮紙(亜硫酸ガス発生紙)利用によるブドウ貯蔵病害の防除
- FAB/MSによる食用キノコに含まれる糖脂質の構造特性
- Geographic Difference in Trichothecene Occurrence in Japanese Wheat and Barley
- Efficient Use of the Green Fluorescence Protein Gene for Genetic Marking of Fusarium oxysprum f.sp.spinaciae