近畿大学理工学総合研究所 | 論文
- Retreieval of Cloud Thermodynamic Phase from Adeos/Polder and Octs Data
- Algorithms for Aerosol Correction Based on a Combination of OCTS and POLDER
- Fundamental Examination in Determination of Macro- and Micro-component Elements in Shell Sample by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry(ICP-AES)
- The Arrival Direction of EAS Determined by Kinki Array with Energy Around 1015eV
- The Arrival Direction of EAS Observed by Kinki Array with Energy around 1015〔10の15乗〕eV(2)
- Crystal stucture of 3,6-bis(dimethylamino)acridine hydroperchloride(acridine orange・HClO4)
- リテラシーとしての大学教育
- Determination of Lanthanoids in Shellfish by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry
- Determination of Uranium by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry after Solvent Extraction and Separation with 3-phenyl-4-benzoyl-5-isoxazolone into Diisobutyl Ketone--Application to Apatite Minerals
- Chaos in Cosmic Ray Air Showers
- Dynamical System Theory of Migration
- Arrival Time Series in Chaotic Cosmic Ray Air Showers
- 大気エアロゾルの偏光測光観測
- 家庭用太陽エネルギ-装置の原理と設計
- カオス力学系の再編成
- Functionalization of 7-Azaindole
- Atmospheric Correction Algorithms for ADEOS/OCTS
- Accumulation of heavy metals in the organs of wild rodents
- Determination of Thorium in Apatite Minerals by Solvent Extraction-ICP-AES
- 溶媒抽出--ICP発行分析法による貝の硬組織中多元素の定量に関する研究