農村計画学会 | 論文
- Analysis on Regional Differences of Social Capital Focusing on the Regional Characteristics and Regional Units:Through the Comparison betweenBonding and Bridging Types of Trust
- 地域住民と連携した学校ビオトープ活動の継続性―「全国学校ビオトープ・コンクール」受賞校の事例から―:−「全国学校ビオトープ・コンクール」受賞校の事例から−
- Development of partnerships and roles of coordinators through groundwork methods-a case study of a small park renewal project in morioka city.:-A CASE STUDY OF A SMALL PARK RENEWAL PROJECT IN MORIOKA CITY-
- 緑地計画における欧米計画概念の導入とその今日的な展開方向
- Land Cover Changes and Bio-Resources Utilization in a Rural Village in Sichuan Province, China.
- 中山間地域資源の維持・管理システム : 農林業基盤に着目したシステムの提案
- タイトル無し
- Characteristics of knowledge transfer behaviors through inspection tours:Case Study of Sasayama Basic Ordinance for Local Government
- The resident participation in a stage of decision of the master plan. The analyses questionnaire survey of the city, town, or village in Tohoku district.
- Conditions of Sustainable Management and Its Inheritance in Agricultural Community Which Has Stabilized Population Structure in Rural Area
- 淡路島のため池におけるトンボ類の空間的自己相関と環境要因
- The resident participation in a stage of decision of the master plan The case of Tanohata village and Isawa town in Iwate Prefecture.:Yhe case of Tanohata village and Isawa town in Iwate Prefecture
- 現代における農村への「まなざし」:-近代的価値が終焉するなかで-
- タイトル無し
- メタンガスの活用による農山村振興の実態と課題―中国湖北省恩施市を事例として―:-中国湖北省恩施市を事例として-
- Development of the Method on the Low-Level Land Suitability Classification with 4 Land Utilization Types for Rational Land Use Planning in Villages. (3). Application of the Low-Level Land Suitability Classification with 4 Land Utilization Types to Land Us
- Case Study Relating to Trends in the Maintenance of Hilly and Mountainous Areas Viewed from Structureal Analysis of Farmers. The Case of Hachiman-cho of Gifu Prefecture.:The Case of Hachiman-cho of Gifu Prefecture
- An Evaluation of Farmers Lifestyle and Space Structure from the view of Permaculture Design in the Mid Mountain villages.
- A study of the factors to form community activities in rural area.
- 若者が定住する農業集落の成立要件に関する研究