身延山大学仏教学部チベット学研究室 | 論文
- Future Lives of King Ajatasatru in Chapter Ⅺ of the Ajatasatrukaukrtyavinodana : With Special Attention to Its Similarities with the Account of the Prophecy that King Ajatasatru will Become a Pratyekabuddha in Other Buddhist Texts
- Suffering as a Gift : Compassion in the Fourteenth Dalai Lama
- 〈ウパーリ所問経〉に説かれた「三十五仏悔過」 : イェシェー・ギェルツェン著『菩薩堕罪懺悔註』の和訳と研究
- The Two Truths of the Sa lam rang 'grel by mNyam med
- The Two Truths in the bDen gnyis 'grel ba of mNyam med
- dKong mchog rgyal mtshanによるBodhipathapradipaの注釈書について(1)[含 『菩提道灯論注・殊勝歓喜供伝』和訳]
- 幻の本質--『中観荘厳論』63偈