財団法人 日本メンデル協会 | 論文
- The karyotype of Hampea rovirosae standl.
- Direct Evidence of Mitochondrial Nuclear Division in the Ultra-micro Alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae.
- Chromosome Numbers in Saccharum edule
- Cytogenetical and Molecular Characterization of Five Commercial Varieties in Trichosanthes anguina L.
- Molecular Cytogenetic Organization of 5S and 18S rDNA Loci in Aster ageratoides var. ageratoides, A. iinumae (=Kalimeris pinnatifida) and A. microcephalus var. ovatus in Japan
- Cytology of Chlamydospore Development in Protomyces macrosporus Unger
- Misdivision of Homoeologous Group 5 Univalent Chromosomes in Hexaploid Wheat:I. Univalents derived from Japanese cultivars
- Cytological Observations on Scirpus Linn. from North India.
- Histology and histochemistry of pericarp of grain legumes: Cajanus cajan, Vigna mungo and Vigna radiata.
- Cryptic structural differences at the interstrain level of Pisum sativum L.
- Behavior of Cytoplasmic Membranous Structures in Spermatogenesis of the Grasshopper, Atractomorpha bedeli Bolivar
- A Study of Mitosis in the Mold Blastocladiella with a Ribonuclease-aceto-orcein Staining Technique
- Comparative Studies on Heat Stability of Proteins of Thermophilic and Mesophilic Bacteria
- Autoradiographic Evidence for Incorporation of 2-Aminopurine into DNA and RNA of Plant Cells
- The Identification of the Sex Chromosome and Karyotype of Four Toad Species (Genus Bufo) in Thailand by T-lymphocyte Cell Culture
- Karyotypes of Taraxacum laevigatum (Asteraceae) in Japan
- Relative Genotoxic Effects of Cypermethrin, Alphamethrin and Fenvalerate on the Root Meristems of Allium cepa
- Cytogeography of Taraxacum albidum (Asteraceae) in Japan
- Modellversuche zum mikroskopischen Nachweis des "direktiven Effekts" an konfrontierten Gewebekulturen
- Deoxyribonucleic Acid and High Temperature Sensitivity in Wheat