経済学史学会 | 論文
- Ricardo and Wicksell on Monetary Economy
- A Survey of Recent Studies of Keynes's Theory:A Treatise on Money and The General Theory
- ミュルダールの福祉国家形成論 : 方法論的・理論的枠組みからの検討
- ミュルダールの低開発経済論 : 累積的因果関係論の検討を中心に
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- J. S. Mill's Analysis of the Firm and Association
- J. A. Hobson's New Liberalism and Theory of Under-consumption
- Labor Notes in the Socio-economic Theories of Robert Owen and Josiah Warren
- On Kaleckian Economics and the Economics of Kalecki:Differences in the Theory of Capitalist Development
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- An Idea of Economic Society Based on the Theory of Market Society
- Integration of Growth and Cycle
- The Methodology of Econometrics and the Disturbance Term in Macroeconomic Models
- Wayne Parsons, Keynes and the Quest for a Moral Science: A Study of Economics and Alchemy, Edward Elgar, 1997, xvii+212p.
- 折原浩『ヴェ-バ-「経済と社会」の再構成』東京大学出版会
- Why was the Antinomy Theory of Harrod's Dynamics Lost?