筑波大学大学院人文社会科学研究科国際政治経済専攻 | 論文
- The effects of land tenure security and transfer rights on crop choice decisions of rural households: evidence from the Amhara region of Ethiopia
- The challenges, costs and prospects of achieving good governance through the public private partnership: Nigerian experience
- International regulations on the means and methods of warfare which may cause environmental damage
- Behind the cultural enterprise of an economic superpower: the historical background of Japan's policy toward UNESCO
- Social beliefs and redistribution policy: empirical evidence from a cross-country analysis
- The US and the southern Philippine's quagmire
- The role of Japanese NGOs in strengthening civil society in Bangladesh: a case study of Shapla Neer
- The myth of the nation and legacies of nationalism: immigration politics and the creation of identity in the European Union
- 「開かれた地域主義」の系譜--三木武夫の外交言説を事例として
- イギリスの対中国航空機売却問題--ハリアー機とVC-10機の対中売却計画