秋吉台科学博物館 | 論文
- Additional material of tabulate corals from the Millerella yowarensis zone (Serpukhovian, Early Carboniferous) of the Akiyoshi Limestone Group in the Minami-dai area, Yamaguchi Prefecture
- 北九州市門司区白野江青浜海岸で発見されたアンモノイドについて : 秋吉石灰岩層群と呼野層群の比較(予察)
- Carboniferous ammonoids from the Uzura-quarry, Akiyoshi-dai, southwest Japan
- Eoasianites sp. (Late Paleozoic Ammonoidea) from the Kubang Pasu Formation, north Peninsular of Malaysia
- Early Carboniferous ammonoid of the Akiyoshi Limestone Group in the Tobinosu area, Yamaguchi, southwestern Japan
- Pseudofavosites madama, a new species of Tournaisian (Early Carboniferous) tabulate coral from the Akiyoshi Limestone Group, Yamaguchi Prefecture
- Auloporid tabulatc corals from the Millerella yowarensis zone (Serpukhovian, Early Carboniferous) of the Akiyoshi Limestone Group in the Minami-dai area, Yamaguchi Prefecture
- Codonofusiella Zone of the Akiyoshi Limestone Group, Southwest Japan
- 秋吉台の蛾類相.1.棲息域としての秋吉台の概要及びライトトラップに誘引された蛾類の目録
- 秋吉台における石灰岩片溶食率の経年変化
- 秋吉石灰岩から産出したペンシルバニア紀Camerata亜綱ウミユリ類
- 美祢市大平山付近における秋吉石灰岩層群の堆積相
- Postnatal growth and development of sounds in the Greater Tube-nosed bat, Murina leucogaster
- Early Permian ammonoids from the Loei area, northeastern Thailand
- 秋吉台における土壌CO2濃度の季節変化と化学風化に及ぼす影響
- Ontogeny of Carbonoschwagerina minatoi (Kanmera)from Akiyoshidai Limestone Group,Japan (Fusulinacea,Foraminiferida)
- Quasifusulina longissima longissima(Moller)from Japan and its population in Akiyoshi Limestone Group
- 秋吉台の地下水系
- 西秋吉台の地下水系
- 秋吉石灰岩層群における黒褐色sparry calcite帯の分布と地質構造