神戸大学大学院経済学研究科 / 神戸大学経済学部 | 論文
- A Noncooperative Foundation of Progressive Taxation
- Illegal Dumping of Home Appliance and Local Community
- Evaluations by parents of education reforms: Evidence from a parent survey in Japan
- A Note on Non-Existence of Equilibria in Tax Competition Models
- Empirical analysis of Sri Lanka's agriculture in relation to policy reforms with general equilibrium growth accounting approach(1970-1996)
- A Macroecomonic Theory of Technology Adoption:A Vintage Approach
- Endogenous fertility and human capital accumulation
- The Impact of Real Exchange Rate on Output and Inflation in Vietnam: A VAR approach
- 夫の家事育児参加と出生率
- Dual Opportunity Cost of Childcare and the Low Fertility Trap
- Child Care Support Policy and Fertility in a Model Based on the Supply of Child Care Services
- On the Emergence of Intra-Industry Trade
- 成果主義の導入と若年離職率
- 教育サービスと「準市場」論について : イギリスにおける事例を中心にして
- External Adjustments and Coordinated Exchange Rate Policy in Asia
- External Adjustments under Increasing Integration: Japanese Perspective
- A model of growth with the size distribution of firms and economies of scale
- カレツキアン蓄積分配モデルの実証分析
- Competing Industrial Standards and the Impact of Trade Liberalization: Revised and Enlarged
- A Decomposition of Ricardian Trade Gains under External Economies of Scale