神戸大学大学院海事科学研究科附属国際海事研究センター | 論文
- Charge fraction measurements for heavy particle beams generated by the tandem accelerator with MCP system
- Gaussian plume and puff model to estimate ship emission dispersion by combining automatic identification system(AIS) and geographic information system(GIS)
- Effect of Alliance on Profit Rate in Japanese Liner Shipping Industry
- Port competition in Cambodia
- Analysis of M&A effect on the liner shipping industry : a case study on M&A between Maersk Sea-Land and P&O Nedlloyd
- The 2010 Manila amendments to the STCW convention and code and changes in maritime education and training
- Japan's response to marine research activity by foreign vessels in its exclusive economic zone(EEZ) : current status and agenda of national legislation
- A study of the ion beam graft polymerization method
- Combining AIS data and fuzzy clustering to measure danger score of ships
- A Review on Some Research Issues on AIS to Improve the Ship Safety Operation at Sea
- Development of hazard navigation map by using AIS data
- A Study of the Ion Beam Graft Polymerization Method : Observation of graft chains in grafted polymers
- Logistics Activities of Japanese Companies in Vietnam