神戸大学大学院法学研究科 / 法学部 | 論文
- Recent Development of Decentralization, Deregulation and Citizens' Participation in Japanese city Planning Law
- NISHI Amane and G. H. Lewes (1)
- Social Changes and Organizational Adaptations in the Age of the Post-Welfare State : Diversified Responses of Political Parties and Trade Unions in Germany
- Seeking Legal Advice in Rural Areas of Japan: The Changes in Legal Network
- The Procedural Lex Mercatoria : The Past, Present and Future of International Commercial Arbitration
- Ethnicity and Identity: From a Research on the Chinese in France
- イアン・マクニールと関係的契約理論
- Beginning a Legal Consultation : A Sequential Analysis
- Legal Services Markets in Transition : A Southeast Asian Perspective
- Party Autonomy in International Civil Litigation: Singapore Law
- Rule Making in the U.S and Japan
- 軍人による市民的不服従 : 選択的兵役拒否と脱走
- 傷つく兵士 : 戦場の被害者
- The Relational Constitution of Contractual Agreement
- The Societal Community: Conceptual Foundations of a Key Action Theory Concept
- Uncertainty, Transcendental Orientation, and Social Change: Parsons' Theory as a Theory of Social Change
- Health as a Symbolic Media Interchanging between Body and Social System
- Credit Cycles as Predator prey Dynamics and Bankruptcy Reforms
- Choice of Court Agreement: From a Viewpoint of Anglo-Commonwealth Law
- 裁判近代化の逆説と関係的紛争解決 : 中国の制度変遷に関する事例研究