社団法人 日本補綴歯科学会 | 論文
- 患者を「診る」ための全部床義歯補綴学基礎実習の試み
- 口腔粘膜の粘弾性測定に関する研究―荷重と粘膜厚さ変化量の同時測定手法の確立―:―荷重と粘膜厚さ変化量の同時測定手法の確立―
- A novel vibratory stimulation-based splint for chronic and untreatable masticatory myofascial pain: A case-series
- A retrospective comparative ten-year study of cumulative survival rates of remaining teeth in large edentulism treated with implant-supported fixed partial dentures or removable partial dentures
- Matrix metalloproteinase-8 is the major potential collagenase in active peri-implantitis
- 歯冠外型磁性アタッチメントを用いた補綴症例
- Effects of jaw clenching while wearing an occlusal splint on awareness of tiredness, bite force, and EEG power spectrum
- Survival of immediate implant restoration: A retrospective study through 9-year-observation
- Tensile bond strength of cast commercially pure titanium dowel and cores cemented with three luting agents
- A retrospective study of fixed dental prostheses without regular maintenance
- Comparison of electromyographic activity of jaw-closing muscles between mixing ability test and masticatory performance test
- Investigation on how renewal of complete dentures impact on dietary and nutrient adequacy in edentulous patients
- Polymerization efficiency through translucent and opaque fiber posts and bonding to root dentin
- 社会から求められる歯科衛生士:―健康長寿を支える口腔管理の過去・現在・未来―
- Differences in masticatory function of subjects with different closing path
- Influence of two masticating conditions on assessment of movement path stability
- Gender difference in masticatory performance in dentate adults
- Effect of implant support on mandibular distal extension removable partial dentures: Relationship between denture supporting area and stress distribution
- Fabrication of fixed implant prostheses using function bite impression technique (FBI technique)
- 義歯床用レジンの洗浄法によるバイオフィルム除去効果と表面粗さの変化