社団法人 日本物理学会 | 論文
- Quadrupole Moment of Nb93 and Test of the Hyperfine Structure Formulas
- On the Protons from the N14(d, p)N15 Reaction
- K-Shell Vacancy Production in Light-Element Atoms with α Particles and N7+ Ions of 5, 6, and 7 MeV/amu
- A Transport Study for Resistive Interchange Mode Turbulence Based on a Renormalized Theory
- Investigation of Carbonised Tungsten Surfaces by the Method of Electron-diffraction
- The Magnetic Properties of B8 Type Structure Compounds in Transition Elements—Tin Systems
- Potential Field Acting on the Hydrogens in LAT (LiNH4C4H4O6·H2O)
- Magnetic Properties of Manganese-Iron and Manganese-Cobalt Germanate Having Ilmenite Structure
- The Ground State of the Optical Polaron in the Strong-Coupling Case
- Pattern formation of incommensurate twin structure in SiO2.
- Stochastic Aspects of the Sliding Charge-Density-Wave Current Spectra
- CO2 Laser Guided Plasma Channel for Light Ion Beam Transport
- Ferroelectric Behavior Observed in CaF2
- Similarity Solutions of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation
- A Ferroelectric Type of Hysteresis Loop Observed in BeO
- Elastic Scattering of Tritons by 16O
- Helical Magnetic Structure in CsCuCl3
- Neutron Diffraction Study on Crystal and Magnetic Structures of α-Mn(Cr) and α-Mn(Fe) Alloys
- Nuclear shapes. Discovery of superdeformed rotation bands.
- Eigenmode Analysis of the Electromagnetic Wave in the Nonuniform Vlasov Plasma. I. Integral Equation in the Wavenumber Space