社団法人 日本物理学会 | 論文
- An Explanation of the Suppression of Instabilities by the Beam Modulation
- Pressure Dependence of Thermal Conductivity of Liquid 3He at Very Low Temperatures
- Studies on the Linear Antiferromagnets : Magnetic Susceptibilities of Cupric Quinone Complex Salts at Low Temperatures
- On the Deformation of an Elastic Particle Falling in a Viscous Fluid
- Efficient Trap of a Coaxial Gun Plasma in an Axisymmetric Mirror with an Internal Hoop
- Magnetic Properties of Intermetallic Compounds RAg2(R=Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er)
- Cooperative Jahn-Teller Phase Transition in the Nickel-Zinc-Chromite System
- Stability of the bcc Structure of Bismuth at High Pressure
- Crystal Structure of the High-Pressure Phase of Tellurium
- EPR of Ce3+ in La-Group V A Intermetallic Compounds
- Time Resolved Emission Spectra for ZnSe(Cu, In)
- Dynamic Theory of Spin Glasses
- Gamma-Gamma Angular Correlation Measurements in 106Pd
- Elastic Scattering of 5.7 MeV Protons
- Gamma-rays from the 7.56 MeV LeVel in O15
- Lower Excited States in P29 from the Si28(p, γ)P29 Reaction
- Angular Distribution for the Reaction 16O(p, t)14O* (6.27 MeV) and Channel Coupling Effects
- The Decay of 44mSc and 52V
- Magnetic-Breakdown Oscillations in Magnetoresistivity in Aluminium Single Crystals
- Excited States and Transitions in 106Pd from the Decay of 106Rhg