社団法人 日本地すべり学会 | 論文
- Remedial Excavation for Landslides
- Studies on the Occurrence Mechanism of Surface Landslide in Kuchinotu Landslide area
- On the Process of Formation of the Slide Planes at Kuchinotsu Landslide Area (III)
- Studies on the Stability Calculation of the Landslide Planes which Contained Water film Faces
- On the Process of Formation of the Slide Planes at Kuchinotsu Landslide Area (II)
- On the Effect of Drainage at Hirayama Landslide Area in Nagasaki Prefecture (1)
- Studies on the Stress Distribution of the pile of Duble Type and the Movement of the Soil around the pile
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- Shear strength at the clay-film of slip surface
- The Investigation Method of Surface Layer on the Slope Using Handy Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
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- Researches in Occurrence of Slope-rupture on Subsurface Geology (II):Preolict Analysis in the Drainage Basin of Tribu tary of the MochikoshiRiver (type locality of slope-rupture) at the Amagiyugashiina, Izu Peninsula.
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- On the Specific Upheaval Phenomenon at the Tip Part of the Landslide Area(1)
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- ストレインゲージパイプによるゲージ間隔に対する考察
- Study on Slope Stality of the Fracture-Zone Landslide, urrounding on Dam Reservoir
- On Some Problems about the Safety Factor of Landslide