社団法人 日本写真測量学会 | 論文
- Detection of Ancient Maya Roadways and Other Relics. An Attempt to Use JERS-1/SAR Imagery in Space Archaeology.
- Relationships Between TM Data of Landsat 5 and Stand Parameters on Mangrove Forest in Okinawa.
- Simulation on Landscape Changed by Meteorology.
- CCD Camera Calibration for Real-time Photogrammetry.
- A Study on the Evaluation Methodology of Development Projetcts Considering Global Environmental Impacts.
- Dynamic Analysis of Boat Rowing using Video Imagery.
- Virtual reality and three-dimensional measurement.Three-dimensional measurement by 3 line scanner (TLS).
- Representation of Buildings at Road Intersection using Radial Oblique Projection.
- Advanced land observation satellite (ALOS). 9 Development, proofreading, verification and research plan of the advanced treatment algorithm of EORC.
- Generating a Color sliced Image of Sea Surface Temperature using NOAA IR Data
- ALOS/PALSAR干渉画像による秋田県東成瀬地区地すべりのモニタリング
- Survey of the Relationship between Shirosita Sole and Submarine Springs in Hiji-machi, Oita Prefecture Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data.
- 写真地質解析
- Investigation of the Geometric Accuracies of Aircraft MSS Data with the Parametric Method
- タイトル無し
- Surface Geology of Niigata City and its Vicinity:Part 2 Consideration of Old River Beds by Photo-interpretation
- タイトル無し
- Geological Study Using Photogeologic Interpretation (Part-I):—On the Agematsu area lies in the Kiso district, Japan—
- Visiting the Survey Bureau in Senegal.
- マルチスペクトル写真を使用した街路樹活力度調査について