社団法人 化学工学会 | 論文
- Gain-Maximizing Control in High-Order Processes
- Mass Transfer in Highly Viscous Liquids in a Bubble Column with Constant-Flow Nozzles
- Extraction Equilibria of Amino Acids with Quaternary Ammonium Salt
- Zone Settling of Concentrated Slurries in a Centrifugal Field
- Reverse Osmosis of Single and Mixed Electrolytes with Charged Membranes: Experiment and Analysis
- Diffusion Coefficient in Heteropoly Acid Catalyst Measured by Piezoelectric Quartz Crystal Microbalance
- Effect of Plateau Pressures on Absorption Breakthrough Curves of Hydrogen with Yttrium Particle Beds—Experimental Work—
- Ionic Transport in a Continuous Donnan Dialyzer with a Parallel Plate Channel and an Agitated Tank
- Analysis of Chromatography by Means of Transfer Functions
- Drop Size Distribution in a Liquid-Liquid Phase Mixing Vessel
- Flow, Temperature and Concentration Fields in Reactive Plasmas in an Inductively Coupled RF Discharge—Characteristics in Argon-Oxygen and Argon-Nitrogen Thermal Plasmas—
- Phase Equilibrium Study of Extraction and Concentration of Furfural Produced in Reactor Using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide
- Chemically Based Model for the Extraction of Pr(III) and Nd(III) with Mixtures of Various Organophosphorus Compounds
- 充填塔による多成分非理想系の蒸留計算法--摂動関数の改良と設計型問題への応用
- ベンズアルデヒド液相光酸化反応における過安息香酸の収率の解析
- 対話型パラメ-タ推定法
- 回転楕円体気泡の径,形状,移動方向,移動速度の同時測定に関する一方法
- ポリエチレンテレフタレ-ト連続重縮合反応のシミュレ-ション
- 符号付有向グラフを用いた異常診断システムの診断精度の改善
- 市販ヒ-トパイプの操作条件と性能