研究・技術計画学会 | 論文
- Improving R&D Productivity : The Federal Role : Science
- Making Technology Transfer Happen
- Reliability of communication Flow in R&D Organizations : IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
- 技術開発における基礎研究の役割とそのマネジメント : 事例報告および総合的分析と討論
- Management of Risk and Uncertainty : R&D Management
- 地域科学技術政策が形成するオープンネットワークの両価性 (特集 科学技術イノベーション政策の科学)
- The Future Employment Impacts of Industrial Robots : Technological Forecasting and Social Change
- The Application of General Systems Methodology to the Comparative Study of Public Policy : International Journal of General Systems
- Adopting Innovations in a Technology Push Industry : Research Management
- 実務的学際研究と学会賞の創設
- 鉄鋼産業における生産管理の革新について : 君津製鉄所の事例報告
- New Findings in Technology Transfer, Productivity and Economic Policy : Research Management
- Measuring the Contribution of Biomedical Research to the Production of Health : Research Policy
- 製造業のサービス化に伴う研究開発行動の変化
- The Role of Project Team Collaboration in R&D Performance : Management Science
- Power, Social structure, and Advice in American Science : The United States National Advisory System, 1950-1972 : Science, Technology & Human Values
- Electric Vehicles : Market Penetration and Positive Externalities : Technological Forecasting and Social Change
- The OPRAD Research and Development Management Game : Management Science
- Service Innovation and Japanese Leadership
- Corporate Research and Development : The Latest Transformation : Technological Forecasting and Social Change