琉球大学工学部 | 論文
- 二枚柵防風ネットの基礎杭の引抜き耐力
- 環状噴流による管内熱伝達
- An Application of Automaton Neural Networks to Artificial Agents
- 単一液滴の蒸発に関する研究-1-n-ヘプタンの実験値と計算値
- 単一液滴の蒸発に関する研究-2-混合燃料の場合
- A Study on Ethanol-Gasoline Blended Fuels(Gasohol)of a Carburetted Spark Ignition Engine with a Shroud Intake Valve
- 平行平板流路内に千鳥状に平板を置いた場合の壁面熱伝達
- 流路内に波形平仮をそう入した場合の熱伝達(第1報 熱伝達促進におよぼす波形長さの影響)
- 圧縮力と曲げを受ける鋼管短柱の極限強度に関する解析的検討
- Characteristics on Response Spectra of Groud Motions Observed during the Earthquake on 15th May 1999s in Okinawa Prefecture Area
- The Use of a GPS in Geographic Information System Construction
- On the Determination of the Temperature of Quiescent Prominence by Means of Multiple Wavelength Observations in the Millimeter Wave Range
- Attenuation Correction for X-ray Emission Computed Tomography of Laser-Prouduced Plasma
- Image Restoration by a Constrained Genetic Algorithm
- Neutron Penumbral Imaging : 2. Distortion-Free Reconstruction by Genetic Algorithms
- Neutron Penumbral Imaging : 1. A Quantitative Evaluation on Isoplanaticity of Toroidal-Segment Aperture
- Blind Deconvolution Based on Genetic Algorithms
- Tomographic Resolution of URA Coded Aperture Imaging and Its Enhancement
- A Noise-Smoothing Filter Based on Adaptive Windowing and Its Application to Penumbral Imaging
- Penumbral Imaging of Laser-Imploded Targets and Its Blind Reconstruction