特定非営利活動法人 日本肺癌学会 | 論文
- How to select the optimal diagnostic criteria for detection of mediastinal lymph node metastasis by computed tomography?
- A case of small cell carcinoma of the lung with neurological symptoms due to intramedullary metastasis.
- Multiple Bronchogenic Carcinoma in Chromate Workers
- A Case of Chromate Worker with Peripheral Type Adenocarcinoma
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Clinical evaluation of silent brain metastasis in lung cancer patients.
- Statistical Analysis Concerning Routes of Dissemination of Small-cell and Large-cell Carcinoma of the Lung Based on the Autopsy Records
- 結節性硬化症に合併したMMPHを伴う肺腺癌の1例
- Comparison of antitumor activity of platinum analogs using human lung cancer cells.
- Quantitative analysis of in vitro combination effects of platinum analogs and etoposide against human lung cancer cells.
- A Case of Metastasis to the Latissimus Dorsi Muscle from Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lung.
- Analysis of Urinary Fibronectin (UFN) using Human Lung Cancer Cells Transplanted into Nude Mice.
- Thoracosocopy by the Flexible Bronchoscope for Lung Cancer with Cytology-negative Pleural Effusion.
- Sternal Bur Hole Pericardiotomy for Cardiac Tamponade Caused by Primary Lung Cancer.
- A clinico-cytomorphological study in peripherally originating small lung adenocarcinoma with special reference to its prognosis.:Adenocarcinoma with Special Reference to its Prognosis
- Cell-mediated immunity in primary lung cancer assessed with respect to lymphocyte subsets.
- Craniotomy for Cure of Non-small Cell Lung Cancers with Brain Metastasis as a Single Organ Metastasis.
- 左肺全摘除術後2ヶ月でBenign Emptying of the Postpneumonectomy Space(BEPS)を認めた1例
- Evaluation of Pleural Invasion of Lung Cancer by Thin-sliced CT.