特定非営利活動法人 日本肺癌学会 | 論文
- Recurrence of osteosarcoma of the lung in the needle tract after CT-guided needle aspiration biopsy.
- Superoxide anion generation and cytostatic activity against lung cancer cell lines by polymorphonuclear leukocytes enhanced in a patient with colony-stimulating factor producing pulmonary giant cell carcinoma.
- Preoperative evaluation of T factor and N-factor in primary lung cancer.
- Stenosis of Right Ventricular Outflow Tract by Myocardial Metastasis Developing after Resection of Lung Cancer.
- Tumor Doubling Time and PPD Skin Test Reactivity in Resected Cases of Lung Cancer Surviving over 5 years
- A Case of Lung. Cancer with Metastases to the Stomach & the Tonsil
- Dose Finding Study of Carboplatin and Weekly Paclitaxel for Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer.
- EGFR陽性肺癌とALK陽性肺癌が併存した同時性多発肺癌の2例
- Cases of Pleural Carcinomatosis Undergoing Panpleuropneumonecto
- Two Cases of Primary Mediastinal Seminoma Treated with Chemotherapy and Surgery with Reconstruction of Great Vessels.
- 頚部リンパ節腫脹で発症し原発巣の同定が困難であった印環細胞成分を有する原発不明癌の1剖検例
- タイトル無し
- Factors Causing Radiation Pneumonitis and the CT Findings in Lung Cancer Cases.
- An Autopsied Case of Ki-1 Lymphoma Arising from the Empyema Wall after Artificial Pneumothorax.
- 自施設で施行した肺癌ALK検査(IHCとFISH)の院外検査との比較検討
- A Study on Fluorographic Tomography for the Detection of Lung Cancer on Mass Survey
- Argyrophil Nucleolar Organizer Regions in Small-sized Adenocarcinomas of Peripheral Lung, with Reference to Prognosis.
- Pathological Findings of Atypical Carcinoid Tumors of the Thymus.
- 201Tl scintigraphy in primary lung cancer.
- Combination therapy of large dose of Carboquone and radiation for small cell carcinoma of the lung.