特定非営利活動法人 日本心臓血管外科学会 | 論文
- A Case of Myonephropathic Metabolic Syndrome after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting with Severe Arteriosclerosis Obliterans.
- Two Successful Cases of Adult Right-sided Infective Endocarditis with Ventricular Septal Defect.
- Aortobronchopulmonary Fistula Caused by a Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm.
- III-1-2 Porcine xenograft valve replacement. Early surgical reslts
- Magnetic resonance imaging of the great vessels.
- Surgical treatment of aortic dissection with a ringed intraluminal graft.
- Nonocclusive mesenteric infarction after open heart surgery.
- A case of delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction.
- II-11 Surgical treatment of aortitis syndrome
- Revascularization of Severely Ischemic Limbs by Staged Arteriovenous Reversal.
- 低心機能CABG症例における術中左室心外膜心筋リード植え込み術の有用性の検討
- 右房内腫瘤と下大静脈血栓症を契機に血管ベーチェット病と診断した1例
- Myocardial protection in aortocoronary bypass surgery.
- A ringed intraluminal blfurcated graft designed for abdominal aortic aneurysm repair.
- I-13 Arterial reconstruction for abdominal aneurysm and atypical coarctation.
- 219 An experimental study on the change in intracranial pressure in the dogs after the cerebral circulation was shut off under deep hypothermia
- Result of surgical treatment of infantile mitral valve insufficiency.
- Long term results of femoropopliteal bypass with ePTFE graft.
- Myocardial revascularization in patients with poor left ventricular function(ejection fraction.LEQ.30%).
- The problems of operative indication for tricuspid regurgitation and the results of tricuspid annuloplasty estimated by pulsed doppler method.