特定非営利活動法人 日本ロケット協会 | 論文
- Development of the Second-Generation Double-Stage Stirling Cryocooler for Innovative Space Missions
- A Design Method of L/D Control Program for Atmospheric Re-Entry
- TR-IA, A New Rocket for Microgravity Experiments
- Updated Calibration Results of PRISM and AVNIR-2 Onboard the Advanced Land Observing Satellite
- Asteroid Explorer "HAYABUSA" Contingency Operation
- Fundamental Research on the Sample-Return Manipulation
- Behavior of Small Restitution Mechanism under Microgravity Environment
- HAYABUSA's Optical Hybrid Navigation for Approaching to and Stationkeeping around Asteroid ITOKAWA
- Viscous Fingering Instability in Hele-Shaw Cell and Porous Media
- Space Frog Experiment onboard MIR
- Space Robotic Mission Concepts for Capturing Stray Objects
- Development and Operation Summary of World's First Solar Power Sail IKAROS
- Robust Attitude Control Using Mu-Synthesis for the Large Flexible Satellite ETS-VIII
- Double Capsule Thin Metal Balloon for Low Altitude Venus Exploration
- Hayabusa Touching-Down to Itokawa - Autonomous Guidance and Navigation -
- GPS-based Space Navigation : Comparison of Antenna Configuration for Launch Vehicle
- Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS): Development and On-Orbit Status
- Space Tourism and Space Medicine
- A Flight Experiment of Electrodynamic Tether using a Small Satellite: as the First Step for Debris Removal
- Development of OICETS ("KIRARI")