消防研究所 | 論文
- 2004年9月5日紀伊半島南東沖の地震による石油タンクのスロッシングと長周期地震動
- Measurement of Surface Conductivity in Dielectric Liquid
- Flammability Test for Fire Retardant Plastic Pallets
- Statistical Analyses on Fatalities Characteristics of Residential Fires
- Development of Seismic-induced Fire Risk Assessment Method for a Building (所外発表論文)
- Study on Potential Alternative Approach to Fire Death Reduction (所外発表論文)
- An Experimental Study of Ejected Flames of a High-Rise Buildings--Effects of Depth of Balcony on Ejected Flame
- Care of Vulnerable Populations: Who are Vulnerable to Fires and What Care is Needed for Their Fire Safety?
- Comparison of Loss Estimation for Various Seismic Source Models: The Case of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nambu Earthquake
- A Study for the Fire Safety Planning of the Himeji-jo Castle,A World Heritage
- 確率型延焼モデルと延焼に要する時間について
- A Study of Full-scale Flammability Test of Flame Retardant and Non-Flame Retardant Curtains
- 電子顕微鏡による海底ケーブル破断面の観察
- The Movement of Smoke in Horizontal Passage under the Soffit against an Air Flow
- Study on Feasibility of Evacuation by Elevators in a High-Rise Building--A Case Study for the Evacuation in the Hiroshima Motomachi High-Rise Apartments
- Feasibility Study of Use of Elevators in Fire Evacuation in a High-rise Building
- 空中消火活動時における落水の地上衝撃力
- ヘリコプターの飛行による後流の発生
- 合成樹脂管のS字形曲がり管路における損失水頭