水産大学校 | 論文
- わが国の沿岸海域における炭化水素酸化細菌に関する生態学的研究--海洋中の重油分解細菌のスクリ-ニング法
- 汚濁沿岸海域におけるヘミセルロ-ス分解細菌の生態に関する研究
- Studies on the hippolytid shrimps from Japan-6-The genus Spirontocaris BATE
- カツオ肝臓のセロトニン代謝酵素に関する研究
- 山口県産カワムツ2種(A型,B型)の核型分析
- 伊勢湾におけるアナゴ科魚類の仔魚について
- ハマグリの酸素摂取と鰓繊毛運動に及ぼす水温上昇の影響
- 設備診断技術による研削加工の評価
- Possible involvement of prostaglandin(s) and cAMP, not NO/cGMP, in the mechanism of carp thrombocyte aggregation (Eleventh Pukyong National University: National Fisheries University symposium)
- Classification and communities of the zooplankton in the South-Western Pacific Ocean,with special reference to copepods
- Shift and Catch of the Danish Seiner during the Alaska Pollack Trawling-4-The Information from the Fellow Seiners and the Distance of Shift
- Shift and Catch of the Danish Seiner during the Alaska Pollack Trawling-3-The Distance of Shift and the Amount of Catch by the Shooting just after the Shift
- An Analysis of the Catch Records of the Alaska Pollack Trawling-5-The Bathymetric and Daily Rhythmic Change of the Length of Towing Time
- Shift and Catch of the Danish Seiner during the Alaska Pollack Trawling-2-The Distance of Shift in Relation to the Amount of Catch before the Shift
- Catch Pattern of Sablefish along Setline in the Gulf of Alaska-1-Frequency Distribution and Outline of Bathymetric Change of Catch by a Skate
- The Distribution Pattern of Squids Caught by the Automatic Powered Reel-2-Decline of Catch and Change of Jigged Pattern
- Working time of Danish seiners during Alaska Pollack fishery-10-A collective consideration on the hauling-brailing time
- The distribution pattem of squids caught by the automatic powered reel
- 日本人と刺身
- Working time of Danish seiners during Alaska Pollack fishery-9-The relation of working time to the power of the boats after elimination of the influence of different amount of catch relating to the power