横浜市立大学木原生物学研究所 | 論文
- Oryza sativa and Echinochloa crus-galli var.oryzicola Ohwi.
- A hybrid between the tetraploid annual Echinochloa crus-galli var.oryzicola and 60-1,a tetraploid perennial strain from West Bengal.
- Cytogenetic studies in the tribe Triticeae.-5-Intergeneric hybrids between two Eremopyrum species and Agropyron tsukushiense
- Awn inhibitor in Redman wheat
- Aegilops属の種の起源と分化
- Production of polyploid wheat by nitrous oxide,2.
- Identification and distribution of necrosis and chlorosis genes in tetraploid wheat
- DNA Content of the individual chromosomes and genomes in wheat and its relatives (日米協同研究成果検討会(Tucson,1970)記事)
- Chromosome elimination and malfunction of spindle mechanism at mitosis in interspecific hybrids between barley and its wild specis H.bulbosum.
- Misdivision of homoelogous group 5 chromosomes from American and European wheat cultivars (日米協同研究成果検討会(Tucson,1970)記事)
- パン用品種育成の問題点 (第4回コムギ遺伝学シンポジアム記事)
- Exploration and collection of plant genetic resoures
- Morphological characteristics and isozyme variations of esterase in wild wheats collected from Anatoria,Turkey
- Wild Oryza Speciese of the Philippines,New Guinea,Borneo and Java.
- Pollen with multiple germpores found in the hexaploid wheats having the cytoplasm of Aegilops caudata
- Transmission of D genome chromosomes in alloplasmic pentaploid wheat(Preliminary Report)
- Biochemical mechanism of pollen abortion and other alterations in cytoplasmic male-sterile wheat.
- Origin of Cultivated Plants with Special Reference to Wheat
- Addendum to Seiken Ziho No.23〔right-and left-handedness in plants〕1972
- Plant Genetics in Relation to Plant Breeding Research