東北学院大学英語英文学研究所 | 論文
- 'Clearly and Calmly' or 'Calmly and Clearly' : Is There a Preferred Order?
- 見テ知リソ,知リテナ見ソ--柳宗悦とWilliam Blake
- A Glimpse of Chaucer in a Toga--Kynaston′s Version of Troilus and Criseyde,Book I-2-
- A Model for Learning Strategy Instruction
- Constituent ordering preferences in Japanese: implications for models of language production
- ルネッサンス期の魔術--Greene,Marlowe,Shakespeareの手法
- The Tempestの世界--再考
- Henry Vaughanと諷刺
- Henry Vaughanの人間観
- George Herbertの詩の技巧と"Easter-wings"について
- Ideological Transformation by Translation--Izu no Odoriko
- A Glimpse of Chaucer in a Toga--Kynaston′s Version of Troilus and Criseyde,Book 1
- Learner Training
- Melodic Representation of Nasality in Element Theory
- Extensive Reading in English Communication Courses
- An Impossible Codivisionality of Man and Child in Lewis Carroll,a Successor of Romanticists
- Lewis Carroll′s"Soriteses"in the Light of a Narrative Grammar
- The Discharged Soldier--The transmutation of the text or the Transfiguration of the author
- Metamorphosis and Imagination in Wordsworth
- 英語話者の女性の言葉遣いにみられる帰属意識について