東京医科歯科大学 | 論文
- Relationship between oral sensory thresholds and depressive moods
- Evaluation of the occlusal contact of crowns fabricated with the bite impression method
- Reliability and validity of a quantitative color scale to evaluate masticatory performance using color-changeable chewing gum
- Efficacy of Lidocaine Iontophoresis Using Either Alternating or Direct Current in Hairless Rats
- Effectiveness of setting numerical targets in the surgical training of residents: A trial to achieve an optimal balance
- Contributions towards a Revision of the Proturan Fauna of Japan(I) : New Collecting Records from Hokkaido
- Effects of retinoic acid on the differentiation of chondrogenic progenitor cells, ATDC5
- Influences of health insurance status on clinical treatments and outcomes for 4,714 patients after acute myocardial infarction in 14 Chinese general hospitals
- Contributions towards a Revision of the Proturan Fauna of Japan(X) Collecting Data of Eosentomid Species in the Japanese Islands
- Contributions towards a revision of the proturan fauna of Japan(VIII) : Further collecting records from northern and eastern Japan
- Home health monitoring
- 対象化 : J.=J.ルソー「対話」の賭け金となっているもの
- 「幾重もの淑徳のウ゛ェールが・・・」 : クラランを成立させているもの
- 共同体と排除 : 言語と記憶をめぐって
- 後宮文学としての『ペルシア人の手紙』
- 瞬間の幸福 : ラクロのヒロインに見られる愛と徳
- 時間と不平等 -『人間不平等起源論』におけるルソーの時間観念
- Contributions towards a Revision of the Proturan Fauna of Japan(III) : New Collecting Records from Shikoku and Western Part of Honshu
- 憲法十七条論
- 憲法十七条再論