有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会 | 論文
- 歯列咬合と発声との関係に対する研究
- 保健所における母子歯科保健 II. 1歳6カ月児のう蝕罹患別にみたう蝕増加と生活状況との関連について
- The clinical effect of lysozyme-containing chewing gum on gingivitis.
- Role of an Arginine Residue Present in Histatin 8 Which Inhibits Coaggregation between Porphyromonas gingivalis and Streptococcus mitis.
- Distribution of fluoride in human deciduous cementum.
- Separation of glycolytic-enhancing substances in saliva on the oral flora.
- 下関市蓋井島島民の歯列弓と口蓋の研究
- Serotype of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans and Its Distribution in Human Subgingival Plaque.
- 保健所における母子歯科保健 I. 1歳6カ月時の生活環境と3歳時のう蝕罹患状況との関連について
- Distribution of Fluoride in Human Dental Calculus.
- 動揺歯の年齢分布
- A Study of Streptococci in the Plaque and Experimental Caries in Small Dogs Reared in the Room.
- 学校における歯周保健に関する研究 -中学生の歯周疾患実態調査-
- Evaluation of effect of guidance of eating habit through severity of gingivitis.
- 滋賀県某金融機関従業員の処理, 未処置, 喪失, DMF歯数とその関連因子
- Effect of cigarette smoking on hemoglobin concentration and oxygen saturation in human gingiva.
- タイトル無し
- Physical anthropological study on the dental arch and palate of the native population of Ishigaki island.
- Studies on the level of radionuclides and trace elements in Japanese third molars. II. 90Sr level in a sample group of 10 third molars.:II 90Sr Level in a Sample Group of 10 Third Molars
- Ability of black-pigmented bacteroides spp. To obtain iron from transferrin.