日本計量生物学会 | 論文
- 構造的因果モデルについて
- 国際共同治験に関する統計的課題 : 製薬企業の統計家の立場から (2010年計量生物セミナー記録集)
- On the Pseudo-Expectation Methods Using Animal Models for Variance Component Estimation
- Less Conservative Distribution-free Confidence Intervals and Tests for the Median
- Practical Considerations in Sample Size Determination of Japanese Subgroup for a Multi-Regional Oncology Clinical Trial
- 症例, データの取り扱いに関するプロトコルへの記載
- Bias-Corrected Estimator and Confidence Intervals Based on the Monte Carlo Method
- Improvement of Statistical Power to Detect Publication Bias in Meta-analysis Using the Clinical Trial Registration System
- Modifications of QIC and CIC for Selecting a Working Correlation Structure in the Generalized Estimating Equation Method
- Notes on the Central and Shortest Confidence Intervals for a Binomial Parameter
- Optimality of Gene Ranking Based on Univariate P-values for Detecting Differentially Expressed Genes
- Points to Consider on Multiplicity Issues in Clinical Trials の内容紹介および問題提起
- Application of the Conditional Score Method for Estimating a Fish Growth Curve
- REML Estimation of Genetic Correlations between Sexes on Beef Carcass Traits Using a Procedure of the Average Information Algorithm
- An Efficient Algorithm for Computing Inbreeding Coefficients in Large Populations
- Best Linear Unbiased Prediction of QTLs-Cluster Effects Using Flanking and Upstream Marker Information in Outbred Populations
- 環境リスクの諸側面 : 化学物質環境リスクを中心に
- テーマ3 : 討論
- A Modification of the 50%-Conditional Power Approach for Increasing the Sample Size Based on an Interim Estimate of Treatment Difference
- The Q-Q Plot of p-values for Predicting Outcomes with the Gene Expression Data