日本衛生学会 | 論文
- 65歳以上のpersonal computer初心者を対象としたHome Page上の栄養管理サービスシステムの開発と課題
- 恙虫病リケッチア感染ラットにおける臓器内および血液内リケッチア保有期間に関する研究
- 鉤虫保有者についての体力医学的研究
- キチン分解放線菌に関する研究
- On the Variation of Glucuronic Acid Excertion in Urine in Gamma BHC Poisoning with and without Glucuronic Acid Administration
- Studies on Bacterial Density of Environmental Air by Sodium Glutamate Filter Method:I. In Geographically and Socially Characteristic Environments
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- A Study on Urine Cotinine for the Evaluation of Smoking Cessation.
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- タイトル無し
- Molecular Biological Approaches for Environmental Medicine.
- Studies on Water Content of Alveolar Air:(1) Relation of Alveolar Air Water Content with that in Blood
- Evaluation of Influenza Virus Vaccine:II. The Significance of Antigenic Pottern of Influenza Viruses Involved in a Vaccine for the Development of Antibodies
- Studies on the Relation between Object Color and Heat Absorption:Part I. General Considerations
- 殺虫剤パラチオン中毒に対する予防剤及び治療剤の選別実験
- タイトル無し
- ヒトの気候順応に関する研究-7-沖縄本島住民の基礎代謝とその季節変動
- Studies on the Bactericidal Action of Fresh Normal Serum:I. Comparative Studies among Experimental Animals
- Studies on the Efficiency of Sodium Glutamate Filter Method in Determining Bacterial Density of the Air:I. Experiment with the Air Floating a Known Amount of Mycobacterium avium
- Establishment of Evidence Based Health Care for Common Diseases Based on Genetic Epidemiological Approach.