日本蛾類学会 | 論文
- 日本産ヒメハマキガ亜科(鱗翅目,ハマキガ科)の新種
- Monema rubriceps (Matsumura, 1931) stat. rev., a bona species endemic to Taiwan (Limacodidae)
- The supplement of moths to Guangdong Nanling National Natural Reserve(1)
- Mjoberg, Meyrick and the missing Microlepidoptera from Mt Murud and other Sarawak localities
- 日本産Crambus hachimantaiensis Okanoミヤマウスギンツトガ(新称)について〔英文〕
- A new species of the genus Loepa(Saturniidae)from Java
- Remarks on the species composition of the genus Agrisius, with a description of a new species from Laos (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae: Lithosiinae)
- A new species of Catocala Schrank, 1802 from Yunnan, China (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae)
- Amphipyra horiei Owada, new to Korea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Amphipyrinae)
- 日本産トリバガの新記録種とまれな種の追加記録
- Five new records of Larentiinae species (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) from Korea
- First record of the genus Disasuridia Fang (Lepidoptera : Erebidae : Arctiinae) from India with the description of a new species
- カザリニセハマキの生活史
- アカヒトリの生活史
- A new Epermenia species(Epermeniidae)from Thailand (Collection of Papers presented to celebrate Prof.Hiroshi INOUE′s Seventieth Birthday)
- Restoration of Epipsestis Nikkoensis(Matsumura,1921)with some Additional Notes on the Genus Epipsestis Matsumura,1921(Lepidoptera,Thyatiridae)
- Notes on the genus Betapsestis Matsumura,1931(Lepidoptera:Thyatiridae) (Collection of Papers presented to celebrate Prof.Hiroshi INOUE′s Seventieth Birthday)
- Records of Thyatiridae from Thailand(Lepidoptera)
- The Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera) of Laos
- Contribution to the knowledge of Indonesian Lasiocampidae (Lepidoptera)