日本英語表現学会 | 論文
- Influence of Rhythmic Patterns on the Contraction of HAD and NOT
- Formal/Informal Styles in EFL Paragraph Composition
- 海外・国内英語絵辞書の出現語彙とその比較
- Omission of Objective Relative Pronouns in the Journalistic American English
- Ellipsis of Prepositions in Time Adverbials in Spoken AmE
- Is There a Syntactic Processing Module?
- Analyzing Styles in a British Parenting Magazine, Junior, in terms of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)
- Re-evaluating the Substantive Editions of Hamlet
- Processing Constraints on Wh-clefts in Discourse
- In Search of Another "Basicness": A Contrastive Study of English and Japanese Colour Terms from a Diachronic Perspective
- 間投詞的な機能をもつ接続語
- butの用法:「否定」の概念の展開
- An Awareness of Language as a Multistratal System in EST Writing
- Lexis, the most delicate grammar: nominal group heads determining experiential grammar
- Color Expressions in Malory′s Morte Darthur
- 文法性と容認可能性
- There構文における直示性と定性制約
- Julius Caesarの翻訳--坪内逍遥『自由太刀余波鋭鋒』を中心に
- Romeoの最初の台詞から--オクシモロンを中心に
- forgetの概念認識と多義的使用について--認知的視点から