日本英語英文学会 | 論文
- 事例調査報告 会話英作文の授業内容としての妥当性と学生の受容度について
- 否定の意味と機能
- 英和辞典における感情を表す過去分詞形容詞の表記
- 情報構造から観るヘッドラインに用いられた発表・発見および調査の意味の受動態
- Japanese university students' receptive and productive skills of English essays
- Is self-assessment possible?: Japanese students' self-assessment in their course work
- Japanese university students' attitudes toward English speaking situations
- 日英語における二重目的語構文の統語構造について
- Ranges of Meaning:A Comparison of Japanese Post-positions and English Prepositions through Error Analysis--TEFL Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development Tokyo,Japan
- Motivational Change of Japanese Learners of English: A Study of Students at Tottori University of Environmental Studies
- New approaches to L2 learning motivation research
- Orientations of motivated and less motivated EFL learners: a study of Japanese university students
- Changes of motivational intensity in learning a foreign language: a study of university students in Japan
- Whether adult L2 learners have access to the UG principle: the difference between Japanese quantifiers and English quantifiers
- Japanese conversational styles: direct speech and indirect speech
- 穆旦のソネット--「智慧の来臨」をめぐって
- Adverbial quantifiers
- Bare nouns in Japanese and Korean