日本臨床麻酔学会 | 論文
- Preoperative Assesment of Activity of Muscle-derived Enzymes in Patients with Trauma and Orthopedic Diseases.
- 重症筋無力症患者にロクロニウムとスガマデクスを使用した2症例
- Analysis of R-R Interval Variations in Atrial Fibrillation. Is Heart Rate Variation in Atrial Fibrillation Chaos?:Is Heart Rate Variation in Atrial Fibrillation Chaos?
- 緩和医療とその治療:麻酔科医はどうかかわるか 関連痛を念頭においたがんの痛みの診断
- Study of sympathetic nerve block on peripheral vascular disease.
- 経食道心エコー法で得られる左室壁のintegrated backscatter (IB) 信号はストレインと関連する
- 兵庫県立麻酔(研修,シミュレーション)センターにおける教育,研修の取り組みについて
- Use of Bupivacaine Spinal Anesthesia by Orthopaedic Surgeons in Japan. A Questionnaire Investigation.:A Questionnaire Investigation
- 術中血圧管理に難渋した腹部神経芽細胞腫摘出術の麻酔経験
- インシデントレポートによる麻酔の安全確保に関する検討
- Midazolam Sedation during Spinal Anesthesia: Optimal Dosage.
- 周術期センターにおける選択的受診による口腔機能管理システム
- Clinic anesthesia in the twenty-first century. Request of the surgery to anesthesiology with the advance in the endoscopic surgery.
- Predicting Difficult Tracheal Intubation 1: Prediction by Multiple Factors.:Prediction by Multiple Factors
- Anesthesiology in the twenty-first century.Development of invasion and defence mechanisms.
- Problem and present state of gene therapy.
- 抗NMDA受容体抗体陽性脳炎に伴う卵巣腫瘍摘出術の2症例の麻酔経験
- Surgical stress and endocrine response.
- Analgesic Effect of Combination of Iontophoresis of Lidocaine and Infiltration Intradermal Anesthesia with Very Fine Needle for Intravenous Injection.
- The clinical application of HFPPV on the extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy The efficiency of HFPPV with respiratory rates, 100 and 150/min.:The efficiency of HFPPV with respiratory rates, 100 and 150/min