日本聴覚医学会 | 論文
- Hearing Acuity and Everyday Life among Workers Retired from Noisy Workplaces. Self-assessment of Hearing Disabilities and Handicaps using Japanese Version of the Disability and Handicap Scale(HDHS).:Self-assessment of Hearing Disabilities and Handicaps us
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- Relationship of the articulation of speech and liquid conduction.
- Estimation of auditory evoked potential source by dipole tracking (SSLB/DT method) (No. 2).
- Estimation of auditory evoked potential source by the dipole tracking (the SSLB/DT method).
- The Noise Induced Temporal Threshold Shift (NITTS)
- Speech sound comprehension under various noise environments in a normal hearing person.
- 補聴器適合検査に用いる雑音及び環境音の音源の分類に関する検討
- Alternating current-evoked oto-acoustic emission.
- Comparison of the subjective hearing loss and pure-tone audiometry test results in long-term follow-up of cases with functional hearing loss
- Minute auditory sense threshold and frequency band.
- 聴力に異常のない聴覚過敏患者における内耳機能検査の特徴
- 両側小児人工内耳における臨床効果と予後良好な因子の検討
- Changes in evoked aural sound emission brought by intravenous injection of lidocaine and contralateral aural masking load.
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- ASSR施行症例の検討-CORおよび純音聴力閾値との相関について-
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