日本組織細胞化学会 | 論文
- Enzyme Histochemistry in Experimental Diabetes Mellitus. The findings of several enzymez activities in pancreatic islet cells
- On Histochemical Tests of Unsaturate Bonds of Fatty Acids
- Histochemical Demonstration of Isozymes:Report 1: Histochemical Demonstration of LDH isozymes using a NAD-analog
- Eighth Annual General Meeting:Proffered Papers
- The Relationship Between Forms and Function in the Reticuloendothelial System:Report II Enzymohistochemical studies on the transformation of the peritoneal macrophage
- Histochemical Studies on Brain Edema
- Histochemical Studies of the Brain: Metachromatic Leucodystrophy
- Histochemical Studies in Primary Lipoidoses
- Two Calcium-Binding Proteins, MRP8 and MRP14: A Protein Complex Associated with Neutrophil and Monocyte Activation.
- Immunocytochemical Localization of Calbindin D28K, Calretinin, and Parvalbumin in Bat Superior Colliculus
- P-08 膵外分泌組織における亜鉛動態について(消化器・消化管関連領域,ポスター,第54回日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
- Histochemical Studies on Copper Metabolism
- Studies on Neuromuscular Disorders Histochemical Study on Human Voluntary Muscles
- A Histochemical Study of Dehydrogenase in Carcinoma of the Large Intestine
- Studies on the Electron-microscopic Detection Method of DPNH Diaphorase Activity
- The Quantitative Estimation of Globin in Erythrocytic Cells by Fast Green Staining
- Study on the Final Product and Inhibitors in Oxidative Enzyme Reactions (II Report)
- On the Histochemical Study of the Various Organs of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- A Histochemical Study on the Muscles of Various Animals:Part II Activities of Hydrolytic Enzymes in Muscle Fibers
- A Histochemical Study on the Muscles of Various Animals:Part I. Activities of Oxidative Enzymes and Phosphrylase in Muscle Fibers