日本社会学会 | 論文
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- The Diffusion Process of the "Wire-Broadcasting" and Its Social Functions
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- Sociology and the Experimental Method, II
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- ジャック・ドンズロ著,宇城輝人訳『都市が壊れるとき――郊外の危機に対応できるのはどのような政治か』
- Anonymity and Genesis of Society:An analysis of Alfred Schutz's concept of anonymity
- Die Integrations- und Konfliktstheorie:Kompromissmus von Ralf Dahrendorf
- The Structure of Local Industry and Territorial Character:The Case of The Chemical-Shoes Industry in Kobe
- CONFLICTING ROLE OBLIGATIONS AND ROLE TYPES : With A Special Reference To Race Relations
- The Relation between "Gemeinschaft" and the Individual Subjectivity in the Modernization Process of Japan
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- A Note On The Amalgamation of Cities & Vilages in the East & West Tenant County, Toyama Prefecture:A Comparison with "Gun-go-System"
- Intergenerational Class Mobility and Japanese Society:Long-term trends and cross-national comparisons
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- What is "Life-Environment Destruction" ?:-A methodological introduction to the study of environment-
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