日本生産管理学会 | 論文
- Indirect Costing In Production Mangement Systems:Introducing ABC into Japanese Manufacturers
- An Optimal Resource Allocation Problem for EOQ with Price Breaks and its Algorithm
- The Concept of Supply Management: Its Implications for Purchasing Function of the Japanese Company
- Problems on Japanese Management Style
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Development of Styrenic Saturated Thermoplastic Elastomer:Development of Production Process of Reactive Elastomer
- How can local traditional industries be vitalized:A case study of the ceramic ware industry at Seto district
- On a Multi-period Competitive Inventory Model over the line area
- タイトル無し
- :San José State University and Incubation Management
- Recent Progress in Biodegradable Plastics
- The Effectiveness of the Consumer Participatory Product Development Using the Internet
- An Optimal Resource Allocation Problem for EOQ under Cost Parameters are Unknown in a group of Items
- A Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Model with Bidirectional Scheduling Mode
- A Study of Production Optimization by Cell Production System for Assembly
- A Comparison of Production System for Assembly Cell
- Effectiveness of a Procedure for APS Software Selection Based on Problem Specification
- An Analysis of Factors that Influence the Arrangement of IS Subsidiary
- On Location of The Two Competitive Facilities