日本流通学会 | 論文
- The Theoretical Analysis on the Economic Network of Textiles in East Asia and the Change in the System of the Textile-Producing Districts Considering of Arimatsu, Narumishibori in a Traditional Japanese Textile Manual Industry
- Increase in Size and Chain Organization of Retail and wholesale Markets
- The Input-output Analysis of Effect of Rice Import Liberalization on its Production and Regional Economy
- 鋼板紐付き取引における商社機能と商権
- 総合商社の資源ビジネス--三井物産の鉄鉱石事業を中心に
- A Problem of Information in Agricultural and Marine Products Distribution
- New Commodity Concept
- タイトル無し
- A Case Study of Distributive Labor in the Perishable Food Wholesale Market
- On some Subjects for Basic Theory of Modern Distributive Systems
- The Marketing structure of import vegitables from South Korea to Japan and its price analysis
- 韓国酒類産業の構造変化におけるマーケティングとイノベーション--焼酎,伝統酒,ビールを事例に
- Environment and Organization:A Key to the Marketing Organization Theory
- Distributive Trades in the South East Asian Contries
- Concept of Way of Life and Consumers' Co-operative
- World Co-operative Movement and it's Basic Values
- 鹿児島県焼酎産業の成長要因と持続的発展条件--内発的発展論の視点から
- 食品流通業界の効率的顧客対応:ロジスティクスと情報システムの関係性--日清食品とセブン-イレブンの事例より
- 商店街の活性化における生鮮食料品小売店の役割について
- A Study of Marketing Measures for Creating the Demand in Japanese Lamb Meat and Mutton Market