日本水処理生物学会 | 論文
- Evaluation of the Swim-Bed Attached-Growth Process for Nitrification of Hanoi Groundwater Containing High Levels of Iron
- Water Quality and Eutrophic State of Reservoirs for Public Water Supply and Lakes in Yamanashi Prefecture.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- A Study of the Immobilization of Nitrifiers
- Evaluation of Anaerobic Filter Bed-Biological Filtration Process with Physicochemical Phosphorus Removal Methods.
- Effects of Effluent from Sewage Treatment Plant on Periphytic Algae of Rivers.
- Effect of Iron Forms on the Growth and Musty Odor Production of A nabaena macrospora and Phormidium tenue
- Effect of Chelating Agents on the Absorption of Iron by Phormidium tenue
- 汚泥付着固定化材を用いた染色廃水からの窒素除去
- Effects of CH4 and O2 Concentrations on Methane-dependent Denitrification
- Application of Density Current Generator for Large Scale Inprovement of Sediment Quality in Lake Kasumigaura
- Effect of Environmental Factors on Growth Characteristics of Rotatoria.
- A Study on Optimum Operation of Four-Stage Denitrification-Nitrification Process with Step-Inlet.
- A Survey of Operating Problems Associated with Sewage Treatment Plants in Japan.
- Succession of Phytoplankton in Sengari Reservoir, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, 1954-1993.
- Characteristics of N2O Emission and Nitrogen Removal at A DO Controlled Intermittent Aeration Activated Sludge Process.
- Water Quality in Drainage Ditch and Its Pollution Analysis:Case study of a ditch flowing through YOKOHAMA City
- Identification of Bacteria in Activated Sludge. A Simple Testing Method Comparison.
- Effect of Glucosuria on the Performance of Small-scale Onsite Wastewater Treatment Plants-II. Biotreatment Characteristics.