日本水処理生物学会 | 論文
- Growth Inhibition of Blue-green Algae by Allelopathic Effects of Macrophytes.
- Direct Observation of Nitrifying Biofilms on Particles by Electron Microscopy.
- Studies on Interaction between Genetically Engineered Microorganisms and Their Parental Strains
- Dominant species and Diversity Index on the epilithic algae.
- Biodegradation of Estrogens Using a Nitrifying Activated Sludge.
- Seasonal changes of periphytic smaller animals in Lake Kasumigaura
- 原水濃度調整剤の生活排水処理特性および生物相に及ぼす影響解析
- Interrelation between epilithic algae and algae contained in the digestive tracts of Asellus hilgendorfii
- Taxonomical Studies on Pennate Diatom Cymbella affinis Kütz. (2)
- Synuraceae (Chrysophyceae) from Lake Biwa
- Fungal Decolorization of Microbially Treated Night Soils.
- Experimental Studies on the Role of Smaller Animals with Regard to the Degradation of AOKO
- The Effect of Ozone Oxidation Treatments of Pulp Bleaching Wastewater Containing Refractory Organic Substances.
- Biological Denitrification Using a Flocculated Sewage Sludge as a Carbon Source.
- Evaluation for reduction of growing Microcystis by bioreactor with predative micro-animals.
- Effect of Step Feed Ratio and Temperature on Nitrogen Removal in an Anoxic-Oxic Activated Sludge Process.
- New Operational Support System for High Nitrogen Removal in Batch Type Activated Sludge Process Using Intermittent Aeration.
- Use of Picophytoplankton as an Indicator of Industrial Water(surface water originated) on Leakage Water Survey.
- Inactivation of virus in the tertiary treated sewage by ozone
- タイトル無し