日本比較生理生化学会 | 論文
- ヒマと金と
- Structure and function of a main glycoprotein localizing in fish egg cortical alveolus (hyosophorin).
- 第12回国際生物物理学会議に参加して
- 比較生理生化学会第18回研究会印象記
- Adhesion of organisms.
- タイトル無し
- Comparative biochemistry of the collagen.
- Regeneration of hairy cells in the auris interna of birds.
- ミミズの浸透圧調節
- Recommendation of BITNET.1.
- Iridophore mobility in fish.
- Mechanism of neuro transmitter release from nerve terminal.
- ウニの棘の運動
- In Vivo ホールセル記録法 : カエル視蓋神経回路の解析への応用
- Proteins constituting insect epidermis.
- タイトル無し
- Chemical sense related lipophilic substance binding protein.Supporting players for chemical sense reception.
- Fevver.
- Recommendation for BITNET.(2).A network between universities.
- Separation and refinement of protein subjected to electrophoresis.