日本微量元素学会 | 論文
- 『味覚機能への亜鉛酵素「炭酸脱水酵素」の寄与』
- 硝酸カドミウムの気管内反復投与後の亜急性肺障害および生物学的曝露モニタリング
- 長期経口投与によるカドミウムのマウス肝・腎への蓄積―大気マイクロPIXEによる組織内カドミウムの測定―:—大気マイクロPIXEによる組織内カドミウムの測定—
- 微量元素とその所要量
- Determination of trace boron in human urine samples by ICP-AES using a solid sampling technique subsequent to concentration by a tailor-made boron-selective adsorbent
- Chemical Control of Biological Activity and Biodistribution of Metal Compounds: Drug Design of Metal Complexes with Biological Activity and Target-Specific Biodistribution
- Dietary Intakes of Bismuth, Cadmium, Cobalt, Chromium, Lead and Thallium for Ukrainians
- 甲状腺機能高進症における排せつヨウ素に関する研究
- フッ化水素酸ミスト吸入曝露による急性致死影響と血中およびBALF中フッ素動態の検討
- Dietary intakes of Sr, Cs, 232Th and 238U in north Ukraine, polluted by the Chernobyl accident
- Blood Lead Levels in Japanese Children-Effects of Passive Smoking-
- Changes due to ageing in the concentrations of trace elements in the whole blood that assist with the process of antioxidation
- Dietary mineral intakes for Ukrainian subjects living areas contaminated by the Chernobyl accident
- 血清セルロプラスミン値が正常を示したWilson病の幼児例
- カルノシンが鉄吸収に及ぼす影響
- Study on Detoxification and Utilization of Selenomethionine::A Role of Cystathionine γ-lyase in Selenomethionine Metabolism
- 肝細胞癌症例における銅蓄積の意義
- Relationship between Genetic Polymorphism of Arsenic (+3 oxidation state) Methyltransferase (AS3MT) and Profile of Urinary Arsenic Compounds in Vietnamese
- 鉄タンパク質による生体内情報・物質・エネルギー変換
- 食品中カドミウムの曝露評価と健康影響評価