日本循環器学会 | 論文
- 正常小児のEchocardiography
- 結紮冠状動脈再潅流による虚血心筋の経日的な病理組織学的変化に関する実験的研究
- Clinical studies on apexcardiogram-1〜3-
- Studies on the etiology of essential hypertension A role of sympathetic nervous system (Symposium on the pathogenesis of hypertension)
- Studies on the transport mechanism of aminoacids in the renal tubules-1・2-
- On the factors which affect the immediate and long-term prognosis of myocardial inarction (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on the prognosis and rehabilitation of myocardial infarction)
- 結核菌に依る心筋炎並びに菌血症に関する実験的研究-4・5-
- イヌにおける体性神経の求心刺激による血圧反応の循環力学的分析
- The collective statistical study on the survival rates of the patients with myocardial infarction (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on the prognosis and rehabilitation of myocardial infarction)
- Prognosis and rehabilitation in bundle branch block and atrioventricular block on the hospital study (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on prognosis and rehabilitation of conduction disturbances)
- バリストカルジオグラフィーに関する研究-1・2-
- Studies on the pulmonary function in cardiac diseases-1,2-
- 局部誘導法,特に標準局部誘導法の臨牀的応用の研究-1・2-
- 局部誘導法,特に標準局部誘導法の臨牀的応用の研究-3・4-
- Prognosis and rehabilitation in Bundle branch block and artrioventricular block on the hospital study (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on prognosis and rehabilitation of conduction disturbances)
- Problemes of the heart transplantation(Proceedings of the 34th annual meeting of Japanese Circulation Society Round table discussion)
- The active exercise treatment for myocardial infarction and its evalution on the prognosis (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on the prognosis and rehabilitation of myocardial infarction)
- Effects of long-term anticoagulant therapy on the prognosis myocardial infarction (The 31st annual meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society in Nagoya〔記事〕) -- (Symposium on the prognosis and rehabilitation of myocardial infarction)
- 腎電解質(Na,K)代謝に対する低酸素気呼吸の影響に関する臨床病態生理学的研究 健常者,高血圧症,腎動脈硬化症について-前・後-
- 右室の駆出期時間並びに駆出期機械効果の計測法に関する臨床病態生理学的研究-前・後-