日本学士院 | 論文
- The General Idea of the Theory of Decrementless Conduction
- Counter Examples to Wallace's Problem
- La décomposition de singularitiés d'ultradistributions cohomologiques
- On Characterizations of I-Algebra. I
- Distribution of Fusion Incompatibility Types in Natural Populations of the Compound Ascidian, Potryllus primigenus
- On the Projection of Norm One in W-algebras
- Family Study of the Original Australian Rhnull
- Induction of Para-Sleep by Cholinesterase Inhibitors in the Mesencephalic Cat
- Contraction and Relaxation of Endothelial Cells Covering Atheroma and Their Significance
- Chromosome Studies in Five Sexually Abnormal Patients
- On a Theorem of K. Yosida
- On an Explicit Formula for Class-1 "Whittaker Functions" on GLn over _??_-adic Fields
- Manometric Determination of L-Aspartic Acid
- On the Life-history of Monostroma
- 聖徳太子の大士理想に於ける一念備修萬行といふ觀念 (昭和十七年十月十二日報告、Proc. 18, pp. 429-34參照)
- Effects of MK 870 and Pteridine Derivatives on the Toad Bladder
- A Note on Algebras of Unbounded Representation Type
- The Crystal Structure of Axinite Revised
- The New Lobulation of the Lung
- Appearance of Platelet-Clumping Substance in Plasma from Humans with Thrombosis, Infection or Tissue Destruction