日本大腸肛門病学会 | 論文
- Study on Anal Crypt
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- 3. Early Cancer in the Large Intestine
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- メシル酸イマチニブによる術前補助療法が奏効し肛門温存手術が可能となった直腸GISTの1例
- Monoclonal antibodies raised against human colon carcinoma.
- 直腸脱の病態とAltemeier法 (特集 : 直腸脱の診断と治療 )
- Experimental study of reconstruction of the external anal sphincter using the gracilis muscle with the pudendal nerve transplantation.
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- A Casereport of Multiple Polyosis of the Colon
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- An Electronmicroscopic Study of the Epidermis of the Transitional Skin in the Human Anal canal
- Studies on hitology and DNA contents of colonic cancer induced by DMH in rats.