日本大腸肛門病学会 | 論文
- 血液透析中の再発大腸癌患者にmFOLFOX6療法を施行し高アンモニア血症からの意識障害をきたした1例
- 潰瘍性大腸炎に合併した肛門病変 ─第2報─ 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 難治性疾患克服研究事業「難治性炎症性腸管障害に関する調査研究」班 外科系プロジェクト研究外科系関連施設・肛門科施設のアンケート調査結果
- Intratumoral regional differences in DNA ploidy and antigen expression of human colorectal cancer. An analysis of DNA content and immunohistochemical study.:An Analysis of DNA Content and Immunohistochemical Study
- 虚血性大腸炎と閉塞性大腸炎の病理
- III. Immunologic Studies in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Surveillance for cancer/dysplasia in longstanding ulcerative colitis.
- I. A Family of Familial Colonic Polyposis with Cancerization
- 4. The New Treatment for Haemorrhoid from the New Viewpoint
- Effects of Systemic Chemotherapy and Splenectomy on Liver Metastasis from Colon-26 Cells Injected into the Spleen of Mice.
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- 5. Histopathological Studies of Colo-Rectal Cancer Concerned with Intramural Spread:With Special Reference to Perineural Invasion
- Studies on ano-rectal function after sphincter preservation operation for rectal cancer. Statistical analysis of manometric studies by quantitification theory type III.:Statistical Analysis of Manometric Studies by Quantitification Theory Type III
- Current Status of Chemotherapy on Colorectal cancer
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- Expression of Ras Oncogene p21 in colorectal cancer and adenoma.