日本堆積学会 | 論文
- Quaternary crustal movements examined from facies distribution in the Atsumi region, central Japan
- Diatom assemblage as an indicator of bathymetry
- 堆積学スクール2013「表層堆積物の研究法」参加報告
- Observation of depositional structures using experimental equipment made of plastic card case
- Slump scars and slump deposits on the fan-delta slope, Late Miocene rocks in Saigawa Anticline area, Northern Fossa Magna Region, Japan
- Zircon fission-track dating based on the grain-by-grain analysis
- Neoformation and transformation of trioctahedral clay minerals in diagenetic process
- Meditation on "Nottingham"
- High resolution carbon isotopic analysis across the Ordovician-Silurian boundary of the Wangjiawan section, South China
- Architecture of fluvial deposits
- Effect of vegetation on the mobility of riverbed material and the development of longitudinal grooves
- Bidirectional and unidirectional paleocurrents, inferred from orientation of shells in a Retceramus-concentrated bed from the middle Jurassic, Oshika Peninsula, Japan
- Sedimentary structure of the Izumi Group developed in the western part of the Asan Range, Shikoku, Japan
- Considerations in Epimerization of Sterane and Triterpane as Indicators of Thermal History of Sedimentrary Rocks
- Environmental change of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau recorded in the Lake Qinghai sediments
- Mineral assemblages and heavy minerals of sandstones from the Pyeongan Group in Taeback area, Korea
- 京都南部,巨椋池干拓地と周辺地域の歴史
- Questionnaire on sedimentary data bases
- Seafloor topography of the strong tidal current area
- Parachute gravels on the gravel beaches of the Tsuyazaki coast, North Kyushu