日本印度学仏教学会 | 論文
- The Caste System for Dayanand Sarasvati and the Arya Samaj
- On the System of "Five Mountains and Ten Monasteries" in China
- On the Etymological Analysis of vijnapti
- Some Notes on the term 'Sadhusabda'
- Sabhaga and tatsabhaga
- Bhava and Svabhava in Dharmakirti
- The Transmission of the Dharma According to Shen-Kuai
- Layers of Tradition in Dharmakirti's System of Logic-Concerning the Relation with Sautrantika and Yogacara Theory
- Shinran's Interpretation on the word 'Tariki'
- A Study on Cheg-wan's T'ien-t'ai-ssu-chiao-i
- Kumarila's Theory of sabdartha
- The Concept of "Tathagatagarbha" in Buddhist Scriptures Translated by Bodhiruci
- On Life-Especially in the Maha-Parinirvana-sutra-
- A Study of the pratyekabuddha
- The Srimatibrahmanipariprccha Cited in Mahaprajñaparamitopadesa
- A Study of the Contrast Between the Dainichikyosho and the Gishaku
- The Gonjoji, the Twelfth Temple of the Historical Places of St. Honen
- A Study of the Visesacintibrahmapariprccha (I)
- The Samkhya Ideas as Observed in the Mahaparinirvanasutra of Mahayana Buddhism
- "Punya" in the Ratnavali